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Nutritional Supplements


At Integrated Body and Medicine, we offer nutritional supplements from Biotic Research. Biotics utilizes science to maximize the potential of that which is found in nature to support a wholistic approach to your health and wellbeing. The supplements offer dietary supplements that can be combined or used alone to create a personal health wellness plan tailored to your individual needs. Biotics explains that their supplements do things such as things aid in the repair of cellular damage from free radicals, promote the presence of antioxidants. They also provide Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Biotics also offers products designed specifically for children and products that will aid in healing the digestive system. You may also want to ask our chiropractor, Dr. Ahmad Sprouse, about products designed to reduce cravings, improve relaxation and sleep. If you suffer from gluten-related issue, talk with Dr. Sprouse about supplements that help your body digest inactive gluten.

Many of the ingredients used in the product are made from raw, organic materials made from the companies own biologically active vegetable cultures. To learn more about this nutritional supplement in Highland, Indiana, and surrounding areas, call 219-803-6651 today to schedule a visit.



Integrated Body and Medicine
8145 Kennedy Avenue
Highland, IN 46322
Phone: 219-803-6630
Fax: 219-937-7237

Office Hours

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