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Sciatica Specialist

Integrated Body and Medicine

Integrated Medical Clinic & Occupational Medicine located in Highland, IN

If you regularly experience sharp, shooting pain in your lower back, buttocks, or legs, sciatica may be to blame. Experts estimate 40% of adults experience sciatica at some point during their life. At Integrated Body and Medicine in Highland, Indiana, the expert team provides safe, noninvasive treatment for sciatica. Make your appointment today by calling or clicking the online booking tool.

Sciatica Q & A

What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It runs from your lower back, over your buttocks, down your thighs, and into your legs and feet.

The word sciatica doesn’t refer to a medical condition. Instead, it describes any pain, irritation or pressure felt along your sciatic nerve.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

In its early stages, sciatica doesn’t always present symptoms. However, as the problem progresses, it’s common to experience sharp, shooting lower back pain that extends into your hips and legs.

Other telltale signs of sciatica include:

  • Burning sensations
  • Tingling sensations
  • Constant pain
  • Weakness
  • Numbness

Sciatica is different from other types of lower back pain in that it typically only affects one side of your body. Depending on where your sciatic nerve is irritated, pain may also extend into your toes.

Sciatica symptoms also vary in severity. For some, the pain is excruciating and interferes with work or other activities. Other people with sciatica experience only minor stiffness and continue to participate in their normal routine.

Who is at risk of sciatica?

Sciatica affects people of all ages and sexes. However, there are certain factors that might increase your risk, including:

  • Being overweight
  • Having diabetes
  • Being middle-aged
  • Sitting for long periods

You’re also more likely to suffer from sciatica if you work a physically demanding job. For example, warehouse workers and construction professionals who have to lift and bend regularly are more likely to experience spinal changes that contribute to sciatica.

How is sciatica diagnosed and treated?

A physical exam is usually enough to diagnose sciatica. During your appointment, a member of the Integrated Body and Medicine team reviews your medical history and asks about the symptoms you’re experiencing. Your doctor may also ask you to stand on your tiptoes or walk around the room to examine your gait and posture. If necessary, they may also order a series of X-rays.

If you have sciatica, the team offers an array of safe, noninvasive treatment options. Depending on the nature and severity of your symptoms, they may recommend a combination of chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy or at-home exercises and physical therapy.

The team also offers cutting-edge BEMER physical vascular therapy (PVT), which uses electromagnetic fields to encourage microcirculation and relief from pain.

Your Integrated Body and Medicine provider can also prescribe nutritional supplements which may help ease symptoms like muscle tension and inflammation.

Are you suffering from sciatica pain? If so, make an appointment at Integrated Body and Medicine today by calling or clicking the online booking tool.